Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mrs. Hartley from Clinton, S.C.

I'm sure this doesn't seem weird to you but I am just wondering. My dad died February 18th, 1997. Now I was very close to him and I even felt when he passed. I had a hard time dealing with his passing and everyone else's since. Today me and my husband took my mother out to eat. I started thinking about my dad and then I smelled his smell. I could have sworn he was right there with us. As soon as the smell passed the song 'Callin All Angels' came on the radio in the resturant.The beginning line of that song is ' I need a sign to let me know your'e here' in which I was then covered in cold chills and almost cried. So could it have been possible that he dropped in on us for a brief moment?

Mrs. Hartley
Clinton, S.C.

Dear Mrs. Hartley

How lucky that you got such a great sign from your father. He is at peace and content, but waiting for your mother and you.

I am sure that he is around more than you realize, but sometimes they want you to really know it!

So many people have written to me and have wished, that what happened to you would happen to them.

Lucky you.

Mary Ann

Kristy- Two year old daughter

My 2yr old daughter just recently has been talking about the man in my house or she will say the man is comming. I really wish I knew what she was talking about but when I ask her questions about this man she tells me everything in detail. I asked her what the man looks like and she tells me . I am thinking it is someone I know but it is no one I could think of. Rylie ( my daughter ) says she isnt allowed to tell daddy about the man only mom and her nana, but out of no where she will say the man is here mommy and come hug me tightly. I try at that point to get her to do other things but she just repeats the man is here , the man is here. Rylie will talk in long talks to no one early in the morning. She will tell who she is talking to about her babies and about her brother. Please if you could help me help her I would love that.

Thanks so much

Hi Kristy

Rylie is doing what all children can do, talk to ghosts and interact with them, usually this will stop around five or six years of age.

I would normally say do not worry about it, but what has me a little concerned, is that she said that she is not allowed to “tell daddy”! A ghost that has crossed over would not say that, so why is this earthbound ghost being so sneaky?

Kristy is there some one from your past that you were close to and he died, so he does not want your husband to know that he is around?

Unfortunately I can not tell you for sure from a letter, but because your children are young I would make these two suggestions.

One- It never hurts to have the house blessed by an ordained priest or minister. One word of caution DO NOT get holy water and sprinkle it about yourself. This will only make the situation worse.

Two-Smudge the house. Get a smudge stick. This is what Native Americans used to cleanse their areas. You should be able to find smudge sticks at health food stores, some book stores, or any good metaphysical store. Follow the instructions in the package or ask where you buy it how to use it.

Let me know if this helps.

Mary Ann

Jo- Dogs and Photos

My dog Sadie passed over a while back. This is one of the pictures of Sadie with a white orb with her. There is one more...have not found yet.What to you think? The white orb showed up about a month before Sadie passed over. ;-) And no other orbs in any other pics before. This is a first for me to see in any pics I have taken... ever! LOL I have 4 dogs and some cats.. no orbs around them when I took the pictures that time in that one room. Sadie- black, is laying under a futon that is folded out into a bed...she is laying next to a pink blanket. You can see her left eye, the other one is covered by the orb. Now that I look closer at the pic, enlarging it... where I thought Sadie's left eye is...I now see her eyes are closed.. what I thought was Sadie's open left eye. now looks like a tiny orb. The orbs in my enlarged version of the pic, have a blue outline with some violet. What to you make of this?
Thank you for your time and thoughts...
Blessings, Jo

Dear Jo,

An orb is as ghost that has crossed over, but comes to us for a visit. They are not harmful; it makes no difference what colors that they are.

All that this picture means is the day that you took it some one was visiting, and that you were lucky enough to get it on film.

Sadie and the other dog in the picture look nice and peaceful, nothing to worry about.

Hope my thoughts on this have helped.

Mary Ann

Kris from Eastern Canada

Dear MaryAnn,

I have an odd question. I have two daughters and recently lost a third daughter while late in my second trimester. While pregnant on each daughter (and before I knew the sex) I dreamed of holding a baby boy in my arms and knowing his name. On three occasions I have had this dream, with three different names and I wake up 'knowing' that this is the name of the baby in a very real, very powerful way. All of the names were ones that I was not considering for the baby; one of them I even had to look up because I had never heard it before. I wonder why I may have had a dream like this on each pregnancy, and why a baby boy was in each one when I eventually gave birth to three daughters. I also would like to know if my daughter who died in utero at 24 weeks was conscious of our love and if she knows of her sisters.

Thanks MaryAnn,
Kris in Eastern Canada

Hi Kris

First of all I am sorry about the baby, but yes she felt your love and now that she is in heaven she is around all of you.

I am not a dream expert, but I looked up some information and you could actually be remembering children from a past life or lives. If so you have had at least three boys and in this life you have gotten girls. Things have a way of evening out!

You might be able to find out even more information from a good dream interpretation book.

Hope this points you in the right direction.

Mary Ann

Louise from Denver, CO

My name is Louise and I live in Denver, CO I see images out of the corner of my eye. This happens ALOT. I work in funeral service and wondered if that had something to do with it. Or, I am hoping that it is my parents or my best friend. Before my best friend was killed, we often spoke of "coming back" to let the other know we are okay. I had to have therapy after she died and wondered if maybe it could be her.

Dear Louise

The funeral service is not a problem with earthbound ghost, they are there during calling hours and of course at the cemetery. They usually pass over after the final service.

I would have no way of knowing who you are seeing out of the corner of your eye. If you or someone has had a dream of them then they have crossed over and are where they should be.

If you do not remember your dreams get a herb called mugwort. Make a little sachet out of it and place it between your pillow and pillow case. In about three weeks sometimes sooner, you will begin to remember your dreams.

You will see for yourself that your parents and your best friends are well.


Mary Ann

Mark from Onalaska, TX

Hi, my name is Mark and I'm from Onalaska, Texas. Way back in 1990 I was informed by a doctor that I was going to die, the doctor had done an HIV test & found that I was positive. Well of course since I'm writing this email I have NOT died! I have buried both of my parents & several friends since that time. Some of my friends have died from HIV complications. I wish now I would have known then what I know now but that is another story by itself. My question is this WHY AM I STILL ALIVE? I have prayed to GOD that if he needs someone to take to please take me instead of these young service men & women! Or anyone that dies extremely young I would be more than happy to go in their place. I feel these young people have not had a chance to live their life! I'm 51 years of age & feel I've lived a very full life! At present I think I know why I'm still here - my roommate has four dogs which I basically take care of. I'm currently on disability but still can function to take care of the dogs. I LOVE THEM with all my heart & soul so I remain strong for them. I just get extremely tired at times & somewhat disgusted at life as a whole. The world seems to me at times to have gone crazy to say the least. I thank you for taking the time to read this.

Hi Mark

I agree with you, at times the world does seem out of wack, but it is what it is.

You know I can not answer your question, why are you still alive?

When you die and go into the light you will get your answers then. Everyone has all of their questions answered at this time.

It is discouraging to see so many military people die, but again we do not know the big picture. Just hang in there. Enjoy your life as much as possible and keep taking care of the dogs.

I do get hundreds of emails a week, but I love reading all of them and answering the ones that I can.

Good luck.

Mary Ann